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Manager Best Practices

4 Types of Management Styles and How To Adapt in a Hybrid Setting

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Mastering your management skills is like learning to blend different spices for a dish: tricky but oh-so-satisfying when you get it right. This article will explore the difference between managing a team in person versus in a hybrid setting. We’ll also explore four different types of management styles that can create a perfectly seasoned recipe for hybrid work success through effective leadership.

Hybrid vs. In-Person Management: Understanding the Differences

Overseeing a team in person requires a very different approach to leadership than managing a team through a screen.

Managing an in-person team is like concocting a gourmet dish in a bustling kitchen. You’re right in the middle of things with your sleeves rolled up — adding spices, tasting the flavors as they develop, sharing cooking tips with your team, and making sure every ingredient blends perfectly.

On the other hand, in a hybrid setup, trust must be the secret sauce that pulls the dish together. Instructions have to be meticulous, like a perfectly written recipe: clear and concise with no room for ambiguity.

While in-person teams thrive on real-time interactions in which you can make changes on the fly, hybrid teams rely on planning and trust. Skilled managers know that overcommunication and clear expectations must replace hovering — and guiding, not micromanaging, is the key to a positive outcome.

4 Types of Management Styles that Work for Hybrid Settings

Now, onto the main course: the four management styles handpicked for their efficacy in the hybrid work environment. These four types of managers are your best bet for becoming the master chef of your hybrid work setting.

1. Transformational Management

Ever had that manager who made you feel like you could move mountains? That’s the essence of the transformational management style. This style thrives in a hybrid setting, focusing on providing inspiration, furnishing intrinsic motivation, and encouraging innovation.

In the virtual world, inspiring a hybrid team requires a variety of leadership skills: a little digital charisma, a soupçon of motivation, and a heaping portion of confidence-boosting.

In this leadership style, transformational managers infuse enthusiasm into their remote teams, improve employee engagement, and help their teams expand their skill sets.

2. Laissez-Faire Management

The laissez-faire management style is akin to being the cool parent who lets their kids experiment without peering over their shoulders or barking directions.

In a hybrid setup, this approach centers around granting autonomy and letting team members exercise their skills. It’s all about giving space but being available when needed.

This leadership style balances freedom with occasional check-ins, ensuring everyone remains on track without stifling their creativity or making other common hybrid team management mistakes.

3. Coaching Management

The coaching management style embodies a sports coach leading their team to victory. This style nurtures individual skills with the intent of helping each team member reach their full potential.

In a hybrid workplace, coaching management means frequent one-on-ones, sharing constructive feedback during personalized sessions, and mentoring through virtual platforms. It’s about fostering professional development while adapting to diverse needs, regardless of the physical distance between team members.

4. Collaborative Management

Look at the collaborative management style as a leader assembling a superhero team. A collaborative manager brings together individuals with distinct strengths and areas of expertise, encouraging diverse perspectives and leveraging the team's collective strengths. In this management style, everyone’s input has value.

This leadership style thrives on interactive tools, fostering teamwork, and creating a unified environment where ideas flow freely toward fulfilling company goals. Remote work can amplify the flavors of teamwork through inclusive discussions and shared platforms.

Manage Hybrid Workplaces Efficiently With Scoop

In this hybrid world, mastering your preferred style of management isn’t just about leading. It’s about creating a prize-winning recipe in which every ingredient complements each other perfectly.

At Scoop, we’ve perfected the art of managing hybrid teams by building solutions that make hybrid work. Get the most out of your hybrid experience with our planning tools that allow effective managers to take control of their time, stay up to date, prepare for meetings, and empower their teams.

So shake out that apron, download Scoop for free today, and get ready to savor your hybrid team’s success.

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